Friday, 14 December 2012
1º ESO. Unit 6: The continents
Haz click aquí para descargarte los mapas físicos de África, Asia, Oceanía, América, Europa y España que tienes que traer a clase. Si no te funciona la impresora, o no tienes acceso a Internet puedes comprarlos en cualquier librería.
Monday, 10 December 2012
5º A. Tema 0. Tiempos de confrontación en España
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
1º ESO. Maps
Haz click aquí para descargarte los mapas físicos de África, Asia, Oceanía, América, Europa y España que tienes que traer a clase. Si no te funciona la impresora, o no tienes acceso a Internet puedes comprarlos en cualquier librería.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
5º A. Segunda Guerra Mundial (II)
Pinchad aquí para ver el resumen del Tema 10. "La Segunda Guerra Mundial".
MCindow: Cirugia reconstructiva en la II Guerra... por raulespert
Mengele: Experimentos con gemelos por raulespert
Monday, 3 December 2012
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
25 noviembre: Día Internacional de lucha contra la violencia sobre las mujeres.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Sunday, 18 November 2012
5º A. Utras con piel de ONG. España 2000.
10 Puntos para ser una gran nación y salir de la crisis (ESPAÑA2000)
1. FRENAR el derroche del Estado Autonómico que pone en peligro al Estado del Bienestar. Las “instituciones florero” (Casa Real, senado, diputaciones) son completamente inútiles y las Autonomías excesivamente costosas. Aligeremos la administración pública. Liquidemos el Estado de las Autonomías.
2. REFORMAR la Ley de Extranjería. Repatriación de los excedentes de inmigración. Los extranjeros deben cursar la solicitud para residir y trabajar legalmente en España desde su país de origen. Hay 7 millones de inmigrantes de los que la mitad nunca podrán ser absorbidos por el mercado de trabajo: sus países deben hacerse cargo de ellos lo antes posible. Nuestra economía no puede mantenerlos.
3. RELOCALIZAR la industria, aranceles proteccionistas para la industria y agricultura. Creación de un sector público estratégico y de una banca pública; inversión pública para garantizar el crecimiento y tras él el pago de la deuda, no al revés. Crear puestos de trabajo antes que pagar a los especuladores.
4. COMBATIR la corrupción a todos los niveles.
Tribunal especial para dirimir responsabilidades de políticos y banqueros en el origen de la crisis. Los delitos económicos no deben prescribir hasta la restitución de las cantidades robadas.
5. SITUAR a los españoles primero:
Políticas sociales frente a políticas neoliberales. El bien más preciado de una nación son sus ciudadanos y el estado debe garantizarles un nivel de vida digno a cambio de su lealtad con la nación y de su esfuerzo en la construcción de una sociedad próspera.
6. RENEGOCIAR el acuerdo de adhesión a la Unión Europea
sobre bases más sólidas y más democráticas. Sí a Europa, no a esta Unión Europea. El acercamiento de Rusia a Europa es una oportunidad para mejorar nuestra economía y nuestra independencia. Revisión del reglamento y de las funciones del Banco Central Europeo.
7. LUCHAR contra la doctrina del “mundialismo”, origen de la globalización y de todas las crisis económicas
El mundo es demasiado complejo para poder “ordenarlo” mediante los mercados. Defensa de la soberanía nacional tanto en política, como en economía. El estado nacional es la mejor defensa.
8. DEFENDER nuestro modo de vida.
Frente a los intentos de crear una sociedad de personas sin arraigo y con un único modelo cultural proponemos la defensa de la identidad nacional. Frente a la “ingeniería social”, defensa de un modelo tradicional de familia. Frente a la crisis demográfica, estímulo a la natalidad y a la formación de nuevas familias jóvenes.
9. ELEVAR los servicios sociales básicos:
sanidad y educación pública principalmente. Es preciso elevar el nivel de la enseñanza desde la escuela hasta la universidad. Pensiones dignas y asistencia sanitaria pública son irrenunciables. Ampliar el Estado del Bienestar, no liquidarlo.
10. SALIR de la OTAN y trabajar en la defensa común europea desde Portugal a Rusia.
Retorno de nuestros soldados de Afganistán. Alto a la guerra que EE.UU. prepara en Oriente Medio para salir de la crisis y salvar a sus multinacionales. Nuestras Fuerzas Armadas deben estar en condiciones de asumir la defensa y la integridad del territorio español.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Sunday, 16 September 2012
2º ESO. Unit 4. The Byzantine Empire an Carolingian Empire
Answer the following questions:
Who is "the Emperor of the East"? Where is the Church of San Vitale located? -How many rivers are there below Jesuschrist's feet? What's the name of Justinian's wife? What is the woman doing at the end of the video? How does she break the tiles?
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Thursday, 13 September 2012
1º ESO D-E and 2º ESO C
Hello, everyone!
Welcome to my blog. Aquí podréis encontrar (casi) todos los materiales que vamos a usar en clase. El objetivo fundamental es que tengáis disponible en casa lo que habéis trabajado conmigo en clase. Recordad: los archivos anteriores a la fecha 13 de septiembre de 2012 corresponden a otros cursos que he impartido anteriormente.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Monday, 4 June 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Ciudadan@s por la Educación Pública
Os recuerdo que mañana jueves nos concentraremos de nuevo en la puerta del IES a las 11.10. ¡Traed camiseta verde!
Friday, 11 May 2012
1º ESO. Project: Greek Myths.
PROJECT 1: Lydia, Andrea, Beatriz and Carla (1º F)
PROJECT 2: Cecilia, Laura, Irene and Marina (1º E)
PROJECT 3: Malena, Julia, Ángela, Santiago, Hugo, Sara and Marta (1º E)
PROJECT 4: Lorena, Sara, Paula and Aida (especially thanks to Mercedes Morquecho)
PROJECT 5: Daniel, Alejandro and Noelia (especially thanks to Lorena Santos) 1ºF
PROJECT 6: Lucía (1º F)
PROJECT 7: Pablo, Iván, Guillermo, Daniel Bazaco, Carlos (1º F)
PROJECT 8: Natalia Jaspe (1º E). Especially thanks to Adrián Palomino, Adrián Joel, Lara, Claudia and Óscar from "La Overuela".
PROJECT 9: (1ºF)
PROJECT 10: (1º E) Lydia, Nuria y Laura Miguelsanz
PROJECT 11: 1º E. Álvaro, Juan, Gonzalo, Jorge, Andreas and Manuel
PROJECT 2: Cecilia, Laura, Irene and Marina (1º E)
PROJECT 3: Malena, Julia, Ángela, Santiago, Hugo, Sara and Marta (1º E)
PROJECT 4: Lorena, Sara, Paula and Aida (especially thanks to Mercedes Morquecho)
PROJECT 5: Daniel, Alejandro and Noelia (especially thanks to Lorena Santos) 1ºF
PROJECT 6: Lucía (1º F)
PROJECT 7: Pablo, Iván, Guillermo, Daniel Bazaco, Carlos (1º F)
PROJECT 8: Natalia Jaspe (1º E). Especially thanks to Adrián Palomino, Adrián Joel, Lara, Claudia and Óscar from "La Overuela".
PROJECT 9: (1ºF)
PROJECT 10: (1º E) Lydia, Nuria y Laura Miguelsanz
PROJECT 11: 1º E. Álvaro, Juan, Gonzalo, Jorge, Andreas and Manuel
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Projects 1º ESO
Ryan's personal comment:
1º ESO-España Directo
- says “It was there also another earthquake”---should be “There was also another earthquake”
- says “These earthquakes affect principally..” ---should be “These earthquakes principally affect”
- says “ the seismic of survation survey record a summary reaction of... “--- should be “The seismic survey recorded an earthquake of...”
- awkard pronunciation of richter scale (on the R)
- says “by the moment” --- should be “at the moment”
- says “ the 27th of september is record more or less 100 earthquakes” - should be “ On the 27th of september, there has been recorded more or lesss 100 earthquakes.”
Arturo and Mario
Didn’t see any mistakes (they did not speak as much as Daniel and Jaime)
Personal comment: I like how they said that Jaime’s connection got lost!!!
Monday, 20 February 2012
3º ESO. Topic 7: Industry.
Homework. Deadline: 14.march 2012
Case Study Industry
Ecology groups and organisations take actions to protect the environment
Sorry, I couldn't find this video without the subtitles!
Case Study Industry
Ecology groups and organisations take actions to protect the environment
Sorry, I couldn't find this video without the subtitles!
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Projects 2nd term
1º ESO-España Directo
Ryan's personal comments
- says “It was there also another earthquake”---should be “There was also another earthquake”
- says “These earthquakes affect principally..” ---should be “These earthquakes principally affect”
- says “ the seismic of survation survey record a summary reaction of... “--- should be “The seismic survey recorded an earthquake of...”
- awkard pronunciation of richter scale (on the R)
- says “by the moment” --- should be “at the moment”
- says “ the 27th of september is record more or less 100 earthquakes” - should be “ On the 27th of september, there has been recorded more or lesss 100 earthquakes.”
Arturo and Mario
Didn’t see any mistakes (they did not speak as much as Daniel and Jaime)
Personal comment: I like how they said that Jaime’s connection got lost!!!
2º ESO-Medieval Times
The first title “ Mariam and Robin had escaped from the wedding” --- would be better if it said they have escaped
Mariam says: Robin, wait for me! I had escaped from my father. --- again should be have
Prince John: I had burnt the castle ---- should be I have burned the castle.
Robin Hood gave money from the rich to the poor --- should be: Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor
Poor man: Wonderfull, I have money. Thanks Robin. --- should be wonderful with one L
Crussade --- should be crusade with one S
King Richard: Here you have the noble tittles ---- should be titles with one T
Personal comment: It was neat how they used they pictures as the background. Good music!
El Cid was born in 1043..... they were missing “in”
He was deeply suspected in Castile, probably correctly, of having been involved in Sancho’s murder. --- deeply is not the correct adjective
*** There is a part of the film when El Cid gets married and he is having sex.... Not appropriate
Andalusian knights found El Cid their foe ill--- not sure what they want to say by ill, sick perhaps? Also was he their foe?
Alfonso recalled from exile the best Christian general: El Cid --- should be “Alfonso recalled El Cid, the best Christian general, from exile.”
Personal comment: I like at the end when they say “Dedicated to Ryan, please give us a good mark” . Despite the one part where they was a sex scene, it was a good video.. Great music selection!!! A lot of information - good job
On one slide it says the following : “They had sex for all night” - seems inappropriate.
Personal comment: Hahaha great animation!!!!
I liked the bride’s dress. (was it toilet paper? - very funny)
There were no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors ---- GREAT
At the second day you should walk a little bit more. --- should be “On the second day....”
If you follow this tips --- these
Don’t forget to take a camera and to enter to the cathedral --- should be into
Personal comment: I love the “climbing goat” or the goat on the string... Awesome touch!
Great backgrounds with the rocks, mountains, etc...
Hahaha … the moose ads realism.. makes me think I was on the pilgrimage : )
This video was the most entertaining for me!!!!
Ryan's personal comments
- says “It was there also another earthquake”---should be “There was also another earthquake”
- says “These earthquakes affect principally..” ---should be “These earthquakes principally affect”
- says “ the seismic of survation survey record a summary reaction of... “--- should be “The seismic survey recorded an earthquake of...”
- awkard pronunciation of richter scale (on the R)
- says “by the moment” --- should be “at the moment”
- says “ the 27th of september is record more or less 100 earthquakes” - should be “ On the 27th of september, there has been recorded more or lesss 100 earthquakes.”
Arturo and Mario
Didn’t see any mistakes (they did not speak as much as Daniel and Jaime)
Personal comment: I like how they said that Jaime’s connection got lost!!!
2º ESO-Medieval Times
The first title “ Mariam and Robin had escaped from the wedding” --- would be better if it said they have escaped
Mariam says: Robin, wait for me! I had escaped from my father. --- again should be have
Prince John: I had burnt the castle ---- should be I have burned the castle.
Robin Hood gave money from the rich to the poor --- should be: Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor
Poor man: Wonderfull, I have money. Thanks Robin. --- should be wonderful with one L
Crussade --- should be crusade with one S
King Richard: Here you have the noble tittles ---- should be titles with one T
Personal comment: It was neat how they used they pictures as the background. Good music!
El Cid was born in 1043..... they were missing “in”
He was deeply suspected in Castile, probably correctly, of having been involved in Sancho’s murder. --- deeply is not the correct adjective
*** There is a part of the film when El Cid gets married and he is having sex.... Not appropriate
Andalusian knights found El Cid their foe ill--- not sure what they want to say by ill, sick perhaps? Also was he their foe?
Alfonso recalled from exile the best Christian general: El Cid --- should be “Alfonso recalled El Cid, the best Christian general, from exile.”
Personal comment: I like at the end when they say “Dedicated to Ryan, please give us a good mark” . Despite the one part where they was a sex scene, it was a good video.. Great music selection!!! A lot of information - good job
On one slide it says the following : “They had sex for all night” - seems inappropriate.
Personal comment: Hahaha great animation!!!!
I liked the bride’s dress. (was it toilet paper? - very funny)
There were no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors ---- GREAT
At the second day you should walk a little bit more. --- should be “On the second day....”
If you follow this tips --- these
Don’t forget to take a camera and to enter to the cathedral --- should be into
Personal comment: I love the “climbing goat” or the goat on the string... Awesome touch!
Great backgrounds with the rocks, mountains, etc...
Hahaha … the moose ads realism.. makes me think I was on the pilgrimage : )
This video was the most entertaining for me!!!!
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Projects 2º ESO
Ryan's personal comment:
The first title “ Mariam and Robin had escaped from the wedding” --- would be better if it said they have escaped
Mariam says: Robin, wait for me! I had escaped from my father. --- again should be have
Prince John: I had burnt the castle ---- should be I have burned the castle.
Robin Hood gave money from the rich to the poor --- should be: Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor
Poor man: Wonderfull, I have money. Thanks Robin. --- should be wonderful with one L
Crussade --- should be crusade with one S
King Richard: Here you have the noble tittles ---- should be titles with one T
Personal comment: It was neat how they used they pictures as the background. Good music!
INFORMACIÓN PARA PADRES. Calendario de exámenes

Calendario de exámanes 2ª Evaluación (Curso 2011-2012)
1º ESO A.
6 de marzo. Temas 5 y 6 29 de marzo. Temas 7 y 8.
1º ESO B
8 de marzo. Temas 5 y 6 28 de marzo. Temas 7 y 8.
2º ESO
1 de marzo. Temas 6 y 7 (más 5 fotocopias: What was America like before 1492?) 29 de marzo. Temas 8 y 9.
3º ESO
13 de marzo (cambio de fecha por la huelga). Temas 4 y 6. Más la extensión “Food crisis” 22 de marzo. Temas 7 y 8
Entrega de proyecto sobre el tema 7 el día 14 de marzo.
4º ESO 9 de marzo. (Páginas 121-144) 30 de marzo. (Páginas 144-…)
Quiero recordar a los padres que TODOS los materiales (presentaciones, videos, enlaces, deberes, etc. )que utilizo en clase están a disposición de los alumnos en este blog para que puedan revisarlos de nuevo en casa si es necesario. Os recuerdo que las presentaciones se pueden imprimir y/o descargar, así no es necesario que los alumnos dispongan de conexión a Internet para utilizarlas. También puedo facilitar estos mismos archivos a través de una memoria USB. Un saludo.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
3º ESO. Homework. Listening activity. Food crisis
Homework. Deadline 2/14/2012
Listening Food Crisis

What a global foof crisis looks like: Oxfam's food prices map.
What causes food price spikes?
Failed crops – often caused by our changing climate – hit food prices hard. So does the rising cost of oil – used to grow, fertilize and transport food.
Short-sighted biofuels strategies play a part too – taking food off of people's plates and putting it into car tanks. And dysfunctional commodities markets mean that food prices go up faster and higher than they should.
But despite all these complex causes, the effects on poor people are painfully simple. Parents choose between feeding their children and feeding themselves.
Whole communities face an uncertain future, because all anyone can think about is where their next meal will come from.
GROW Oxfam's campaign
Listening Food Crisis

What a global foof crisis looks like: Oxfam's food prices map.
What causes food price spikes?
Failed crops – often caused by our changing climate – hit food prices hard. So does the rising cost of oil – used to grow, fertilize and transport food.
Short-sighted biofuels strategies play a part too – taking food off of people's plates and putting it into car tanks. And dysfunctional commodities markets mean that food prices go up faster and higher than they should.
But despite all these complex causes, the effects on poor people are painfully simple. Parents choose between feeding their children and feeding themselves.
Whole communities face an uncertain future, because all anyone can think about is where their next meal will come from.
GROW Oxfam's campaign
Welcome to GROW from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
India's broken food system (trailer) from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
India's broken food system (full version) from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
Lekea takes action on Climate Change in Ethiopia from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
Making Honey in Ethiopia from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
Seed oil production in Ethiopia from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
Angelina and community gardening in Honduras from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
More than food in Honduras (extracts) from Oxfam GB on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Monday, 30 January 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Thursday, 26 January 2012
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