1º ESO-España Directo
Ryan's personal comments
- says “It was there also another earthquake”---should be “There was also another earthquake”
- says “These earthquakes affect principally..” ---should be “These earthquakes principally affect”
- says “ the seismic of survation survey record a summary reaction of... “--- should be “The seismic survey recorded an earthquake of...”
- awkard pronunciation of richter scale (on the R)
- says “by the moment” --- should be “at the moment”
- says “ the 27th of september is record more or less 100 earthquakes” - should be “ On the 27th of september, there has been recorded more or lesss 100 earthquakes.”
Arturo and Mario
Didn’t see any mistakes (they did not speak as much as Daniel and Jaime)
Personal comment: I like how they said that Jaime’s connection got lost!!!
2º ESO-Medieval Times
The first title “ Mariam and Robin had escaped from the wedding” --- would be better if it said they have escaped
Mariam says: Robin, wait for me! I had escaped from my father. --- again should be have
Prince John: I had burnt the castle ---- should be I have burned the castle.
Robin Hood gave money from the rich to the poor --- should be: Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor
Poor man: Wonderfull, I have money. Thanks Robin. --- should be wonderful with one L
Crussade --- should be crusade with one S
King Richard: Here you have the noble tittles ---- should be titles with one T
Personal comment: It was neat how they used they pictures as the background. Good music!
El Cid was born in 1043..... they were missing “in”
He was deeply suspected in Castile, probably correctly, of having been involved in Sancho’s murder. --- deeply is not the correct adjective
*** There is a part of the film when El Cid gets married and he is having sex.... Not appropriate
Andalusian knights found El Cid their foe ill--- not sure what they want to say by ill, sick perhaps? Also was he their foe?
Alfonso recalled from exile the best Christian general: El Cid --- should be “Alfonso recalled El Cid, the best Christian general, from exile.”
Personal comment: I like at the end when they say “Dedicated to Ryan, please give us a good mark” . Despite the one part where they was a sex scene, it was a good video.. Great music selection!!! A lot of information - good job
On one slide it says the following : “They had sex for all night” - seems inappropriate.
Personal comment: Hahaha great animation!!!!
I liked the bride’s dress. (was it toilet paper? - very funny)
There were no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors ---- GREAT
At the second day you should walk a little bit more. --- should be “On the second day....”
If you follow this tips --- these
Don’t forget to take a camera and to enter to the cathedral --- should be into
Personal comment: I love the “climbing goat” or the goat on the string... Awesome touch!
Great backgrounds with the rocks, mountains, etc...
Hahaha … the moose ads realism.. makes me think I was on the pilgrimage : )
This video was the most entertaining for me!!!!